Dreaming in Style Engels

Dreaming in Style

This lesson was created and written by Karin 10-28-2018, the © is mine.

You are not allowed to copy all or part and place elsewhere without my permission

The lesson was created using PSP X9 but most importantly it can be achieved with other versions.

If this lesson appears similar to others it is purely coincidental.

The © of the materials belongs to the original creators.

I thank Yoka, Guismo and Suzi for the tubes and Narah for the masks.

Download the Materials HERE


AP 01 [Lines] Lines – SilverLining
Mehdi / Sorting Tiles
Andrews 59 / IntoTheExtreme
MuRa’s Meister / Perspective Tiling
Graphics Plus / Cross Shadow
AFS Import / sqborder2
Alien Skins / Eye Candy 5: Impact / Glass
Color Palette

This lesson was written with these colors and materials. If you use your own colors and materials,
play with the settings to your liking. (Filters / Effects / Blend Mode / Opacity)

1.Open and New Image 800 X 550
Fill the Image with #ffffff

2.Layers / New Raster Layer
Selections / Select All

3.Open the Flower Tube
Delete the Layer with the Water Mark
I have changed the colors with: Adjust / Hue and Saturation / Colorize

4.Edit / Copy
Edit / Paste into Selection
Selections / Select None

5. Effects / Image Effects / Seamless Tiling

6.Adjust / Blur / Radial Blur

Layers / Merge / Merge Down
Layers / Duplicate

7.Effects / Mehdi Sorting Tiles

Selections / Load/Save Selection from Disk
Load Selection DIS_DK
Edit / Cut or Delete
Selections / Select None

8.Layers Duplicate
Image / Mirror / Mirror Horizontal
Image / Mirror / Mirror Vertical
Layers / Merge / Merge Down

9.Effects / Edge Effects / Enhance More

10. Effects / Plugins / Andrews 59 / IntoTheExtreme

11. Selections / Select All
Selections / Float
Selections / De-Float
Layers / New Raster Layer
Fill the Layer with White

12. Open the Narah Mask 1123
Layers / New Mask Layer from Image
Select the Narah Mask 1123 / Click OK

Layers / Merge / Merge Group
Selections / Select None

13. Effects / 3D Effects / Drop Shadow

Repeat the Drop Shadow with -10
Effects / Edge Effects / Enhance

14. Layers / Merge / Merge Down

15. Layers / Duplicate
Effects / Geometric Effects / Perspective Horizontal

16. Layers / Duplicate
Image / Mirror / Mirror Horizontal
Layers / Merge / Merge Down
Layers / Arrange / Move Down

17. Layers / Properties / Blend Mode / Soft Light

18. Effects / 3D Effects / Drop Shadow / Color #76434a

19. Layers / Merge / Merge Visible

20. Layers / Duplicate
Effects / MuRa’s Meister / Perspective Tiling


20. Effects / Graphics Plus / Cross Shadow (default)

21. Copy your main tube
Edit / Paste as a New Layer
Place as in the Example

21. Edit / Copy the Butterfly Text (Vlindertekst.pspimage)
Edit / Paste as a New Layer
Effects / Image Effects / Offset
Horizontal -340 / Vertical -30 (custom and repeat checked)

22. Copy the Leaves tube from Guismo
Image / Resize  50% (no check mark in resize all layers)

23. Effects / Image Effects / Offset
Horizontal -260 / Vertical -30 (custom and repeat checked)

24. Layers / Arrange / Move Down (repeat 2 more times)

25. Layers / Merge / Merge Visible

26. Open the Text “Style”
Edit / Copy
Edit / Paste as a New Layer
Effects / Image Effects / Offset
Horizontal 330 / Vertical -140

27. Image / Add Borders / Symmetric Checked / 1 pixel #76434a
Edit / Copy (the image will remain in memory)
Image / Add Borders / Symmetric Checked / 5 pixels #ffffff
Image / Add Borders / Symmetric Checked / 1 pixel #76534a
Image / Add Borders / Symmetric Checked / 1 pixel #ffffff

28. Selections / Select All
Image / Add Borders / Symmetric Checked / 40 pixels #ffffff
Selections / Invert
Edit / Paste into Selection

29. Effects / Plugins / AFS Import / sqborder2


30. Effects / Alien Skins Eye Candy 5: Impact / Glass
Tab Setting Clear
Selections / Select None

Add your name and or watermark
Save as jpeg
You are finished
I hope you enjoyed doing the Tutorial
© KarinDesigns


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