Be your Own
This tutorial was devised and written by Karin 31/03/2021, the translation © is Dennis.
It is not allowed to copy, link and / or place any parts thereof without my permission.
The tutorial is written with PSP 19 (X9) but can also be made with other versions.If this lesson resembles any other lesson, it is purely coincidental.
The © of the materials used is for the rightful owners and the tube makers.Tube Nicole paysage, deco en bloem
Tube Anlilou vrouw
Tube Yoka Vogels en tekst (was yahoo)
Mask van Narah
Open the material in PSP / Window Duplicate or Shift + D / Close the originals.
Filters used:
AP01 [Lines] / Lines SilverLining
AAA Frames / Foto Frame
Alien Skin Eye Candy 5: / Impact / Glass
MuRa’s Filter Meister / Copies
Italian Editors Effect / Effetto Fantasma
Simple / Top Left Mirror
Toadies / Blast ’n Blur
The tutorial is written with these Colors and materials.
If you use your own Colors and / or materials, you may have to play with the Blend Mode and / or Opacity.
Step 1
Open the Alpha file Alfa_Beyourown / Window / Duplicate (or use Shift + D).
Close the original we will work on the copy.
Fill with Color 1
Step 2
Layers / New Raster Layer
Selections / Select All
Open the paysage
Edit / Copy
Edit / Paste into Selection
Selections / Select None
Layers / Duplicate
Step 3
Effects / Plugins / MuRa’s Filter Meister / Copies
Effects / Edge Effects / Enhance
Effects / Plugins / AAA Frames / Foto Frame
Step 4
Activate the Magic Wand and click in the White Border
Effects / Plugins / Italian Editors Effect / Effetto Fantasma
Effects / 3D Effects / Chisel
Color 1
Selections / Select None
Step 5
Selections / Load/Save Selection / Load Selection from Alpha Channel, Selection 1
Layers / New Raster Layer
Open the Tube / nicole-mistfleur-2015
Edit / Copy
Edit / Paste into Selection
Selections / Select None
Layers / Properties / Multiply
Effects / Edge Effects / Enhance
Layers / Merge / Merge Down
Step 6
Effects / Geometric Effects / Perspective Horizontal
Layers / Properties / Opacity 90
Layers / New Raster Layer
Selections / Load/Save Selection / Load Selection from Alpha Channel, Selection 2
Fill the Selection with White
Selections / Select None
Step 7
Effects / 3D Effects / Drop Shadow
Horizontal and Vertical 2 / Opacity 80 / Blur 30 Black
Effects / Plugins / Simple / Top Left Mirror
Effects / Image Effects / Seamless Tiling / (Default)
Effects / Texture Effects / Blinds
Step 8
Layers / New Raster Layer
Flood Fill with White
Layers / New Mask Layer / From Image / Narah Mask_1303
Layers / Merge / Merge Group
Effects / Distortion Effects / Pinch / Strength 50% .
Step 9
Selections / Load/Save Selection / Load Selection from Alpha Channel / Selection 3
Press the Delete Key on the Keyboard
Selections / Select None
Effects / Edge Effects / Enhance
Layers / Merge / Merge Down
Step 10
Selections / Load/Save Selection / Load Selection from Alpha Channel / Selection 4
Layers / New Raster Layer
Flood Fill with White
Selections / Modify / Contract by 5
Flood Fill Selection with Color 2
Selections / Modify / Contract by 2
Flood Fill Selection with White
Selections / Modify / Contract by 2
Press the Delete Key on the Keyboard
Selections / Select None
Step 11
Effects / Plugins / MuRa’s Filter Meister / Copies
Image / Free Rotate / Left 90 (nothing checked)
Image / Resize with 75% (Resize all Layers NOT checked)
Effects / Image Effects / Offset
Horizontal at (minus) -320 / Vertical at (minus) -150 (Transparent and custom checked)
Step 12
Open the paysage.
Image / Rotate Right
Edit / Copy
Activate the Magic Wand / Select the 3 empty boxes on your image (Keep the Shift Key Pressed)
Layers / New Raster Layer
Edit / Paste into Selection
Effects / Plugins / Alien Skin Eye Candy 5: / Impact / Glass.
Selections / Select None
Layers / Merge / Merge Down
Effects / 3D Effects / Drop Shadow
Horizontal 7 / Vertical 5 / Opacity 80 / Blur 5 Black
Step 13
Open your wife tube
Remove the watermark
Edit / Copy
Edit / Paste as a New Layer
Layers / Arrange / Move Down
Resize if necessary
Move the tube in the lower left corner
Adjust / Sharpness / Sharpen
Step 14
Layers / Duplicate
Effects / Plugins / Toadies / Blast ’n Blur
Adjust / Blur / Gaussian Blur 40
Layers / Arrange / Move Down
Effects / Distortion Effects / Pinch / Strength 50%
Step 15
Activate the Layer above (second Layer from the top)
Effects / 3D Effects / Drop Shadow
Horizontal (minus) -7 / Vertical (minus) -5 / Opacity 80 / Blur 40 / Black
Step 16
Edit / Copy the decor tube
Edit / Paste as a New Layer
Image / Resize 45% (Resize all Layers NOT checked)
Effects / Image Effects / Offset
Horizontal 305 / Vertical (minus) -130 (Transparent and custom checked)
Effects / 3D Effects / Drop Shadow
Horizontal 7 / Vertical 5 / Opacity 80 / Blur 40 Black.
Step 17
Image / Add Borders / Symmetric Checked
2-pixels White
2-pixels Color 2
2-pixels White
2-pixels Color 1
50-pixels White
Step 18
Activate the Magic Wand / Click on the White 50-pixel Border
Effects / Plugins / AP01[Lines]/ Lines SilverLining
Effects / 3D Effects / Inner Bevel.
Selections / Select None
Step 19
Image / Add Borders / Symmetric Checked
2-pixels Color 2
2-pixels White
2-pixels Color 1
Step 20
Edit / Copy the bird tube
Edit / Paste as a New Layer
Effects / Image Effects / Offset
Horizontal 130 / Vertical 190 (Transparent and custom checked)
Effects / 3D Effects / Drop Shadow
Horizontal 7 / Vertical 5 / Opacity 80 / Blur 40 Black
Edit / Copy the frame
Edit / Paste as a New Layer / Looks good right away
Step 20
If you want, place the attached text
Adjust the size if necessary
I reduced it by 65% and Colored it
Layers / Merge / Merge Visible
Adjust / Sharpness / Sharpen
Add your name or watermark
Save as jpg
My version: